After an excrutiating 82 games marred with injury and blown leads, the Sonics finally got a ball to bounce their way. Not a basketball, but a ping pong ball. Last nights NBA draft lottery saw the Sups get the 2nd pick in this very promising NBA draft. With the damn Blazers snagging #1 the Pacific Northwest never looked so promising. Greg Oden is supposed to go #1 and Kevin Durant #2, which is fine by me. The Sonics will get a mutli-talented college freshmen that could turn this club around. I don't want to put too much pressure on him, but this could save the Sonics (btw, props to Chunk at Supersonicsoul.com for the drawing, it is great and musta been done in a matter of hours, wow... thanks for letting me use it Chunk ;). My sources have confirmed that ticket sales last night had Sonic reps staying late into the wee hours. While I don't 100% support the new ownership (alright I support them 0%) keeping the hype and support of the Sonics is jsut what this city needs. The youngster is already selling tickets before he's stepped on the court and I can't wait to see how he does once he gets out there. My internal debate about supporting a selfish businessman vs. seeing the games live is at it again and I have no idea which will win out. I will most likely break down and see about 10 games (10 game package perhaps?!) but there are tempting offers about a potential 25 game package with really reduced pricing... I'll have to sleep on it. In other news I ahve a mere 4 days left of true bachelorism with a lot to do. All the things I needed to get done a while ago have piled up and now I will be spending my days trying to organize everything I can. Also there to eat up my time is WoW, with the new patch and Children's Week starting simultaneously I am scamperring around the world... of warcraft taking a little orphan to see the sights. Very funny how this is pretty much exactly what my parents do in real life: show orphans their surroundings because they don't have anyone to take them around. I like this aspect of the game and the cute comments from the kid "gee wiz, is there a ghost in that light house?" easily canceled out the hassle of traveling to every corner of the world........of warcraft. I got speedy the turtle and now its on to Sarah's characters so that she has something to look forward to when she gets back. Work has been steady and thats why the abrupt ending, till next time: godspeed.