Well I took a bit of a hiatus over the last couple weeks because things really picked up at work and Sarah returned from the land down under. Since then I've become steadily happier and things have returned to normal. Fran is living with us which is fun, we have a good laugh everyday and its nice just kickin it with her. In Sonic coverage much has transpired since winning the Durant sweepstakes: that same day the uber-weak Clay Benett "explored" the possibilities of have OKC and KC as new destinations for my beloved team, the sonicscentral.com crew found a clause in the arena contract that may keep the team here till 2010, and the rest of the NBA is coming to the sonics for a wide variety of trade proposals. I don't think anyone needs informing on my stance of the sonics staying vs. leaving, so I will briefly address trade proposals. 'Shard is in a tough position that may persuade him to cut and run, the Sonics have an uncertain future and the guy we're about to draft plays Lewis' position. So if we HAVE to lose #7 (although I would love to see a high scoring trio I would refer to as: RayRaRant) then it better be a step sideways if not forward for this team. The only rumored trades I feel good about so far are Rashard+Watson for Pau Gasol or Jermaine Oneal. Both of these guys would significantly beef up our bigs and I feel like it would instantly propel us into a playoff guarantee. Think of Ray getting his 24pts/3reb/4as, Durant getting 19pts/6reb/2as, and Oneal getting 20pts/11reb each and every game!!! Throw in Luky Luke and his improved self as well as the ever-unpredictable double-dragon of Wilcox and Collison with of course the young towers Petro and Swift and I'm feeling really good about this sonic team. One thing we CAN'T do is let Ra go and not get anything in return. In other aspects of life, I hit 775g the other day in WoW and its just getting ridiculously easy for me to exploit the auction house. I spent 75g of that on new gear, recipes, materials for further alchemy and I didn't even have to bat an eyelid. In fact word got around about my success and a couple guildies came knocking on my door for my secret... so they could make 10k g for their epic flyings!!! So that was a boost. Screw soccer news, its time to find a new team, but at least they are decent enough to reimburse my money. The wedding planning continues steady, in about a week or so things will probably kick up again so that we can finalize the necessary expenses. This week I will be off and away in a far of land.... ok, its just Alberta but still its mystical to me.
Dad and I are gonna take the Westfalia thru the Canadian Rockies to Jasper and Banff national parks. Do some van-camping, hot springing, maybe fishing, relaxing, tons and tons of driving, hiking, animal watching, and lots of other -ings. I will miss Sarah as usual since she's been home all of 1.5 weeks, but the time chillin with tad will be coo. hopefully I'm gonna get to borrow my moms laptop for interneting on the fly (where available) and I'll do my best to keep a log of what we do and where we go. I don't have a digital camera that is guaranteed to work... but it occurs to me I DO have my video camera and have been meaning to do more with it so maybe I'll bring THAT along for the trip. Then later road trippings with Sarah we could have tons of goofy fun taping stuff. Well lunch is calling me. "See you in anotha life brotha" "Namaste, and thank you"