Monday, April 23, 2007

Goin Public

Today the blog went officially live as I emailed people (some of which I actually know!) about it. I also realized that I can't write as much as I did yesterday without risking the blog looking sloppy and long-winded, so my bad. Lets quicken it up huh?
-Soccer team lost 4-1
-Had a fun time at my graduation celebration
-Poder reached lvl 45 thanks to some burly grinding (I own you jade ooze's!)
-Playoffs are panning out even better than I hoped: Go Nets, Nugs, Warriors, and of course Suns.
-Started reading The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), stay updated I should finish it by 2013!
-Suuuweeeet weather = case of the mondays
-Wedding invitations are coming along nicely and Sarah continues to impress me with her artistic abilities ("opposites attract 'n you know!" -the cool cat that struts around w/ Paula Abdul)
-After years of engineering classes, I love love LOVE writing text in list form!
-A buddy of mine got engaged Sunday, YEHA!
-Think I got my first design released, big step in the Boeing world.
-Counting down the hours (34ish) till my birthday.
So that's the quick no fuss no muss summary of whats goin on. With all the great weather I am gettin ready for a trip to "The Dep" (Home Depot) sometime this next week for hooks to mount up my El Sal hammock. Stay tuned because if the rest of the week is as boring and dull as today I may be updating on an hourly basis. Later


Moira said...

I'm so glad you finally came out of the blog closet. Totally made me laugh :) How lucky I am to be with the man who puts the 'ham' in hammock!

Patrick Hartley said...

Wow, David. A blog!

You're so trendy and hip now.

I almost thought you were a young guy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I made the blog. (The regulare wow not that sadistic WoW stuff that your into.) Keep the faith with the fountainhead, its a bitching storry and it can really help keep you motivated